#1 Caspar Lee (South Africa)

Da dada DAAAAAA! And the title of my favourite youtuber of all time goes to Caspar Lee of South Africa! The name of Caspar's channel is 'dicasp' and not really much I can say about him really. Caspar Lee is the funniest guy on the internet.
He has a little over 262,000 subsribers. (Asdghhjkhl.. My mind can't even begin to comprehend just why he doesn't have one million or two, or even three). Every joke he makes is timed perfectly, his videos never manage to ramble on and you just can not get bored of the guy! He is a comedic genius at the mere age of 18 (I can't say anything really but still) and he is just definitely the most entertaining person on the internet.
Caspar specialises mainly in vlogs but will sometimes throw in the odd sketch here and there. This is quite strange for me as I do not normally like youtubers that only ever really vlog and I have a tendency to get very bored, very quickly. But not with Caspar.
In all honesty I can't think of anyone more deserving of the top spot. A good youtuber is someone who can make you laugh, make you feel good about yourself and did I say laugh? Anyway, I'll stop fangirling and just show you why I have just written this long paragraph praising him. He may not be your type of comedy but he is definitely my type of comedy. Now I'm not going to have a link to his video either as he's not too vulgar but again I've got to make sure no kiddies are hearing any words they shouldn't!
Thanks for the post. I had been looking for something related and found your web site in the process.. I will definitely be back for more.
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